Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fast Forward

Hey, um, excuse me...when did my daughter turn into a teenager? Doesn't she look like she's 13 in these pictures? What's up with that?!

I just love those pigtails. She picked out the flower ponytail holders herself. Problem is, more often than not, she hates having her hair in ponytails, barrettes or anything. Drives me nuts, cuz she's so cute with her hair up like that!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

F I N A L L Y !!!

Finally, after a year and a half, I can again post to my blog. David reimaged the hard drive. It occurred to me that maybe the problem had been eliminated. Hooray! It is.

My goodness, where to start. I know. How about I start with the cutest picture ever taken?

This is Lydia (on the right) with her cousin, Kerra, getting a ride behind Mom's bike. It's quite the workout dragging 60 pounds of toddler uphill, in case you're wondering.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Well, we finally had to Lydia-proof the house. She can really log the miles, crawling lickety split from one end of the house to the other. She has gotten more efficient and graceful in just the last two weeks. She started out slapping and jerking, resembling Frankenstein to tell you the truth, but now she just efficiently gets from point A to point B. She follows us from room to room, opening doors and drawers, pulling herself up to see what's on the end table, and even crawling up Mom and Dad's legs to get our attention.
Yup, she's mobile.
Click here for miss Lydia in action.
Click here for "news flash".

Cuteness Squared

Aiyaiyai...what am I going to do with such a cute little girl???? She gets cuter every day!

Thib ib buy thung

Lydia discovered her tongue. She likes to nibble it with her two little teeth, and just let it hang out there to get some air.

A little light reading

"Wait a minute, Mom. I'm pretty sure there's a verse in here about babies getting to stay up as late as they want. I know I can find it, just give me a sec."

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen

When are they going to let me out of here? I'm pretty sure I've been good today. I ate my veggies at lunch. I pulled Mom's hair only 3 times instead of my usual 12 or 13. And I let Dad wear his glasses instead of crushing them in my little fists. What do they want from me? I guess it could be worse. This mattress is pretty comfy, and I have my kangaroo by my side. Oh, who am I trying to kid? If I could figure out how to squeeze between these bars I would do it before anyone could say "Fizzlesticks!"

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Nocturnal Migration

She had an entire full-sized bed to fall asleep on, and where does she pick to crash? The northwestern most corner of the futon with her head wedged against the wall. She was so jammed up there, that she clunked her head every time she moved. I eventually put her in her crib, of course. Strangely, she seemed really comfortable.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Chicken-Based Hair Products

Here we see the lovely Lydia enjoying a spa day - chicken based hair gel and a noodle facial. Who knew such down-home goodness would be a girl's best beauty products?