Friday, October 20, 2006

Beautiful Pictures

Lydia and I lunched with my friend and former PDA co-worker Annette Kavanaugh and her partner Greg Ruffa a couple of Sundays ago. Annette is an artist and took an interest in photography after viewing a photo exhibition of my boss' work. She brought her camera with us and captured many lovely images. These are a few of my favorites.

I like the top one, because it is very natural and easily brings me back to that moment. Lydia has begun exploring my face while I feed her. She had her fingers in my mouth in this picture.

The middle one is just so HER. She always rubs her face, especially when she's trying to fall asleep.

The last one I like because of Lydia's expression. It is sort of melancholy. Annette talked about some of these looking like "Madonna and child." I think this one does that particularly well.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Where's Waldo?

Can anyone spot the baby in this picture?

David took Lydia outside with him while he raked the lawn yesterday. She had on quite an outfit, pink Winnie the Pooh hat (check out the little ears - its, not hers), red fleece jacket with orange trim, purple cordoroys, and multicolor blue knit booties. David said her clothing betrayed her Finlander heritage. I can't say I understand the reference, but she gets her Finlander from him!

She does look like something you could buy in a Scandinavian gift shop.

An update on her development: her legs are getting so strong with all the time she spends jumping in her jump-up (see previous posts) and standing in her exersaucer. David had her standing in his lap yesterday. She would bend her knees and get into a full squat then entirely under her own power stand herself back up again. She did this over and over again. I wouldn't be too surprised if she skipped crawling altogether and went straight to walking. She has no interest in sitting. She flattens herself out whenever I try to get her to sit. I don't know if she dislikes her diaper cutting into her tummy or what.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What the...?

Daddy bought his little girl sunglasses.

I laughed myself silly when I saw this picture. It was just what I needed after a stressful day at work. (Work's great, just really busy.)

Does anyone else see Elton John when they look at this?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Rick's Wedding

Well, folks. The devil got out his parka on September 30th. Rick is married. Here's a shot of him and his lovely bride, Kanisha. Notice his hat has the flowers and veil. Hers, if you could see it has a ball and chain. It sort of set the tone for the whole affair. Everyone had a lot of fun.

I included a shot of me with my other brother, Rob.

Lydia did not attend. She's just too little. She was lovingly cared for by her Grandma Carol. Lydia was even pretty easy for Grandma, sleeping when she was supposed to, eating when she was supposed to. Mom and Dad are getting all the hassles now. She saved them up apparently.