Bath Time

These are from Lydia's bath on Saturday. She is amazingly contented during bath time. Other than her very first bath - and the time David let her water get too cold before setting her in it - she has always been peaceful. She puts up with being soaked, scrubbed, and rinsed without a complaint. I think it helps I keep a washcloth on her chest throughout the bath to keep her nice and toasty warm.
The best parts for me are washing her hair and carrying her to her towel. I love it when her hair is wet. She gets the cutest soggy comb-over. And when I carry her to her towel I get to hold her little bare bottom in my hand. There's a reason we say "smooth as a baby's bottom."
Isn't that a great picture? I swear it's not posed. I've never seen that expression on her before. Someone has to come up with a good caption. I'm too sleep deprived to think of anything good.
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